Wednesday 28 March 2012

Open Source Services And Networking

  Linux supports many different networking protocols such as:
  1. TCP/IP
  2. UDP/IP
  3. IPX/SPX
  4. Appletalk
  5. DLC
  6. DECnet
  • It is focused more on delivering interconnectivity than on rigidly adhering to fuctional layers.
  • TCP established a continuous open connection between a client and a server, over which bytes may be written in correct order in guaranteed the life of the connection.
  • However, bytes that written on TCP have no built in structure, so higher level protocols are required.
  •  Datagram Protocol
  • Does not required any connection to be established between client and server.
  • Provides no guarantee that packets will arrive in order or even at all.
  • Internet Packet Exchange/ Sequenced Packet Exchange
  • A proprietary protocol stack developed by Novell and based on Xerox Network Systems protocol.
  • Allows to be configured as: IPX router, IPX brige, NCP client or server, Novell Print Client, Novell Print Server.
  • Apple's internetworking stack.
  • Allows peer to peer network model.
  • Provide basic functionality such as file and printer sharing.
  • Each machine simultaneously act as a client and a server, and the software and harwade necessary are include with every Apple computer.
  • Data Link Control operates at the data link layer
  • Designed for communication between Hewlett Packard network printers and IBM mainframe computers on a Decnet network.
  • A group of data-communication products, including protocol suite, developed and supported by Digital Equipment Corporation.
  • First DECnet, released in 1975, allowed two directly attached PDP-11 minicomputers to communicate.
  • Digital has included support for nonproprietary protocols, but DECnet remains the most important of Digital's network product offerings.
Network Command
  • ifconfig - Configure network interface
  • dhclient - Used by the dhcp client to set each interface initial configuration to request an address, test the address and set the interface final configuration.
  • ping - Computer network administration utility used to test internet connectivity.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Linux Basic Command

Linux Basic Command
  1. touch: Create new file.
  2. rm: Remove specified file.
  3. whereis: Locate binary, source and manual sections for specified files.
  4. which: Show the full path of commands.
  5. type: Declare variables and/or give them attributes.
  6. grep: Print lines matching a pattern.
  7. cp: Copy files and directories.
  8. mv: Move or rename files.
  9. rmdir: Remove directories.
  10. whoami: Print effective user id.
  11. locate: List files in database that match a pattern.
  12. find: Search files in a directory hierarchy.
Viewing File Commands 
  1. cat: Acronym for concatenate. It display the contents of a file.
  2. less: Display output one screen at a time.
  3. head: Print the first part of the files.
 Managing files and directories command 
  1. man: Give information about any command.
  2. echo: Display message on screen. Useful for showing the values of environmental variables.
  3. pwd: Stands for print working directory. Allows you to know the directory which you're located.
  4. ls: Print all the files in current directory.
  5. usermod: Modify user account information.
  6. cd: Change directory.
  7. info: Provide current information.
File Permissions
  1. r - Read permission, view what in the file.
  2. w - Write Permission, change the file content.
  3. x - Execute Permission, run the file as a program.
Change File Ownership
  1. chmod: Change file permission
  2. chgrp: Change group ownership
  3. chown: Change user ownership

Thursday 9 February 2012

Linux Desktop Environment


  • Acronym for GNU Network Object Model Environment.
  • A graphical user interface that runs on top of a computer operating system composed entirely of free and open source software
  • GNOME is part of the GNU project and part of the free software, or open source, movement.
  • GNOME is a Windows-like desktop system.
  • The main objective of GNOME is to provide a user-friendly suite of applications and an easy-to-use desktop.

  • Acronym for K Desktop Environment. A network-transparent contemporary desktop environment for UNIX workstations.
  • KDE is part of the free software, or open source, movement, which competes with the more common commercial operating system /desktop platforms on the market.
  • KDE is free to anyone and its source code is available to anyone to modify. 
 Open Source Application In Linux 

 Office Application:
  • Sun StarOffice
  •  StarOffice 5.2
  • Applix Office 
  • Corel
  • Maxwell Word 
  • Gnome Office
  • AbiSource 
  • Gnumeric  
  • KDE Office - KWord, KSpread, KIllustrator, KChart, KFormula, Kivio and Kpresenter 
  • Andrew Office suite - available for all Unixes
  • ANGOSS SmartWare2000
  • Siag Office
  • HanCom Office
  • Gobe Productive
Internet Application:
  • Firefox
  • Sea Monkey
Email Application:
  • Evolution
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Kmail
  • Balsa
Graphic Application:
  • Inkscape
  • GIMPshop Review
  • Linux Graphic Software
  • Artstream
  • DuhDraw
  • Giftrans
  • GNU Ghostrips and Ghostview
  • GIMP
Entertainment Application:
  • Xine
  • Miro 2.5
  • RealPlayer 11
  • VLC Player
  • XMMS (X MultiMedia System) 

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Linux Installation Methods

Linux Installation Methods
  • FTP server across the network
  • HTTP Web server across the network
  • NFS server across the network
  • SMB server across the network
  • Virtual Network Computing (VNC) server across the network
  • From packages located on the hard disk
  • Installation from one or more CD-ROMs 
Disk Partitioning in Linux  
  • Partitions are slices of the hard drive. Typically an installation of Linux will create these slices or partitions of a hard drive.
  • These partitions create separate areas of the disk to hold multiple operating systems or to separate programs and data to aid in back-up.
  • The first sector 0 is reserved for the master boot record. The master boot record on the Primary Boot Drive, contains the mapping for all partitions on all drives.  
Reasons For Creating Multiple Partitions  
  • Multiple operating systems – more than one OS installed.
  • Multiple partitions within an operating system-many partition is created.
  • Different file system types – more than one file system type ex:NTFS and FAT32.
Partition for root director
  • The root file system is represented by a forward slash (/).
  • It is the top of the directory tree, and contains Linux and everything that you install with Linux.
  • The size of your root partition will vary depending on what you install or plan to install.
     Partition for home directory 

  • The third and final partition you should create will hold your /home directory.
  • This is the place where all the user-specific files, your data in other words, are stored.
  • It is roughly equivalent to the "My Documents" folder on a MS Windows desktop (if you have MS Office installed). On a multi-user system, each user will have her own directory under /home. 
     Linux File System 
    /boot : contains everything required for the boot process except configuration files. Stores data that is used before the kernel begins executing user-mode programs.
    /homeA fairly standard concept, but it is clearly a site-specific filesystem.The setup will differ from host to host. Therefore,no program should rely on this location. 
    /usr Programs, libraries, documentation etc. for all user-related programs.
    /opt : Reserved for the installation of add-on application software packages.
    /var : Contains variable data files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary files.
    /tmp : /tmp directory must be made available for programs that require temporary files. 
    Partitioning methods 
    • Automatically partition
    • Manual partitioning with graphical partitioning tools such as disk druid
    • Use fdisk utility
    • GNU parted 
     Boot Loaders in Linux 
    • A boot loader, also called a boot manager, is a small program that places the operating system (OS) of a computer into memory. 
    • Responsible for loading and transferring control to the operating system kernel software.
    • When a computer is powered-up or restarted, the basic input/output system (BIOS) performs some initial tests, and then transfers control to the master boot record (MBR) where the boot loader resides.
     Linux Loader (LILO)
    • Does not depend on a specific file system, and can boot an operating system from floppy disks and hard disks.LILO can be placed either in the master boot record (MBR) or the boot sector of a partition.
    Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB)
    • Provides a user the choice to boot one of multiple operating systems installed on a computer or select a specific kernel configuration available on a particular operating system's partitions.
    • It allows the Linux system to load and replace the running DOS/Windows without altering existing DOS/Windows system files.
    • A suite of lightweight IBM PC MBR bootloaders for starting up computers with the Linux kernel.It consists of several separate systems, the best-known of which is ISOLINUX.

    Thursday 12 January 2012

    Introduction To Open Source Software (OSS) Technology

    History of Open Source

    1. Richard Stallman has launched the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation.

     Richard Stallman

          2. The Ultimate goal of the GNU Project was :
    • To build a free operating system
    • Coding some programming tools (Compiler, Editor, etc.)
    Example of  Open Source Software:


    OSS Web Resources

    1. OSS websites & repository
         - It refers to a central place where data is stored and maintained. 
    •      A repository can be a place where multiple databases or files are located for distribution over a network.
    •      A repository can be a location that is directly accessible to the user without having to travel across a network.
    2. Mailing List
    •  A list of e-mail addresses identified by a single name, such as 
    • Most e-mail clients support mailing lists, which enablesto broadcast e-mail messages to groups that has define.
    3. Usenet newsgroup & forum
    • Newsgroups are technically distinct from, but functionally similar to, discussion forums on the World Wide Web. Newsreader software is used to read newsgroups.
    OSI Certified OOS Licenses
    1. GNU Lesser General Public License
    • Free software license published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
    • It was designed as a compromise between the strong-copyleft GNU General Public License or GPL and permissive licenses such as the BSD licenses and the MIT License.
    2. Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)
    • UNIX operating system derivative developed and distributed by the Computer  Systems Research Group (CSRG) of the University of California, Berkeley
     3. MIT License
    • Free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), used by the MIT X Consortium.
    4. Mozilla Public License (MPL)
    • Free and open source software license. 
    •  The MPL is characterized as a hybridization of the modified BSD license and GNU General Public License.