Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Linux Basic Command

Linux Basic Command
  1. touch: Create new file.
  2. rm: Remove specified file.
  3. whereis: Locate binary, source and manual sections for specified files.
  4. which: Show the full path of commands.
  5. type: Declare variables and/or give them attributes.
  6. grep: Print lines matching a pattern.
  7. cp: Copy files and directories.
  8. mv: Move or rename files.
  9. rmdir: Remove directories.
  10. whoami: Print effective user id.
  11. locate: List files in database that match a pattern.
  12. find: Search files in a directory hierarchy.
Viewing File Commands 
  1. cat: Acronym for concatenate. It display the contents of a file.
  2. less: Display output one screen at a time.
  3. head: Print the first part of the files.
 Managing files and directories command 
  1. man: Give information about any command.
  2. echo: Display message on screen. Useful for showing the values of environmental variables.
  3. pwd: Stands for print working directory. Allows you to know the directory which you're located.
  4. ls: Print all the files in current directory.
  5. usermod: Modify user account information.
  6. cd: Change directory.
  7. info: Provide current information.
File Permissions
  1. r - Read permission, view what in the file.
  2. w - Write Permission, change the file content.
  3. x - Execute Permission, run the file as a program.
Change File Ownership
  1. chmod: Change file permission
  2. chgrp: Change group ownership
  3. chown: Change user ownership

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Linux Desktop Environment


  • Acronym for GNU Network Object Model Environment.
  • A graphical user interface that runs on top of a computer operating system composed entirely of free and open source software
  • GNOME is part of the GNU project and part of the free software, or open source, movement.
  • GNOME is a Windows-like desktop system.
  • The main objective of GNOME is to provide a user-friendly suite of applications and an easy-to-use desktop.

  • Acronym for K Desktop Environment. A network-transparent contemporary desktop environment for UNIX workstations.
  • KDE is part of the free software, or open source, movement, which competes with the more common commercial operating system /desktop platforms on the market.
  • KDE is free to anyone and its source code is available to anyone to modify. 
 Open Source Application In Linux 

 Office Application:
  • Sun StarOffice
  •  StarOffice 5.2
  • Applix Office 
  • Corel
  • Maxwell Word 
  • Gnome Office
  • AbiSource 
  • Gnumeric  
  • KDE Office - KWord, KSpread, KIllustrator, KChart, KFormula, Kivio and Kpresenter 
  • Andrew Office suite - available for all Unixes
  • ANGOSS SmartWare2000
  • Siag Office
  • HanCom Office
  • Gobe Productive
Internet Application:
  • Firefox
  • Sea Monkey
Email Application:
  • Evolution
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Kmail
  • Balsa
Graphic Application:
  • Inkscape
  • GIMPshop Review
  • Linux Graphic Software
  • Artstream
  • DuhDraw
  • Giftrans
  • GNU Ghostrips and Ghostview
  • GIMP
Entertainment Application:
  • Xine
  • Miro 2.5
  • RealPlayer 11
  • VLC Player
  • XMMS (X MultiMedia System)