- touch: Create new file.
- rm: Remove specified file.
- whereis: Locate binary, source and manual sections for specified files.
- which: Show the full path of commands.
- type: Declare variables and/or give them attributes.
- grep: Print lines matching a pattern.
- cp: Copy files and directories.
- mv: Move or rename files.
- rmdir: Remove directories.
- whoami: Print effective user id.
- locate: List files in database that match a pattern.
- find: Search files in a directory hierarchy.
- cat: Acronym for concatenate. It display the contents of a file.
- less: Display output one screen at a time.
- head: Print the first part of the files.
- man: Give information about any command.
- echo: Display message on screen. Useful for showing the values of environmental variables.
- pwd: Stands for print working directory. Allows you to know the directory which you're located.
- ls: Print all the files in current directory.
- usermod: Modify user account information.
- cd: Change directory.
- info: Provide current information.
File Permissions
- r - Read permission, view what in the file.
- w - Write Permission, change the file content.
- x - Execute Permission, run the file as a program.
Change File Ownership
- chmod: Change file permission
- chgrp: Change group ownership
- chown: Change user ownership